
the fall of fall

So in thinking, I have come to the realization that I never blog when I'm home. This, I have decided is just stupid and I need to get over the idea that life moves weather I'm here or there...

Since my last post life has moved in new directions and rather than catch up on all that's changed I'm just going to start with what's on now. If anyone is reading this and confused... call me :) That's all you get.

As fall is falling hard I was struggling with my love hate relationship that it brings with it. I adore the crisp air and the exciting colors, there is probably no time in western Washington that the woods light up like they do in fall, however with all of this brings the dread the winter is just around the corner and the reality that if you wear flip flops your feet will freeze off! So depressing as I'm a hot weather sun girl, tainted by Thai winters and Lebanese summers. If only we could have snow for a month and then 80 degree weather.

In this fall-ness I have been keeping very busy doing what I like to call puttering. Puttering is a mix of productivity and not. I am on the job hunt and yet I seem to already have a good portion of my time diverted and taken up by wild aspirations of saving the world... ok maybe not saving the world but saving someone. I think the more I look around myself the more I see a hurting world, broken, in need of truth and love. These are words that I really never thought would come out of my little mouth. Mostly because I'm not the most emotional person, nor would I be considered the most compassionate, yet God changes hearts and works in ways that you never would imagine... I guess he's working on me.